Keep Yourself Fire Safe!

Summer is right around the corner and we all love a good BBQ. But sometimes a small mistake can lead up to a huge catastrophe.

Staying safe is everyone’s priority and it is important that we as a part of the greater community take extra precaution and make sure all safety measure are applied.

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Cladding safety and essential measures you can take to stay safe during an unfortunate fire emergency. 

Cladding now has been a keen issue for the Victoria building authority and Essential Safety measure (ESM) have been put into practice. 

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Cladding Victims Left in the Lurch Post Victorian Budget

Thousands of property owners suffering due to flammable cladding on their buildings are still in limbo as the Victorian budget seeks to increase action on ‘cladding rectification program’ with a funding of $160 million.

While the fund allotted will be used exclusively to fix government-owned buildings with cladding issues, no money has been set aside for owners to remove flammable cladding from private dwellings. This, despite the fact that removing cladding from affected buildings is an expensive process.

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