The Victorian State government recently recommended some changes to the Residential Tenancy Regulations (RTA) that will come into effect on 1 July 2020. The changes increase the responsibility of landlords to maintain smoke alarms, gas safety and electrical safety for their rented premises.
The Changes and Their Impacts
The key changes to the RTA will affect obligations and mandatory requirements for audit and servicing of smoke alarms, gas safety measures, and electrical safety measures.
Smoke Alarm Requirements:
· Under the recommended changes, smoke alarm safety service will be an annual mandatory requirement for landlords.
· Landlords will be obligated to provide renters the instruction manuals for installed smoke alarms.
· Landlords will have to notify renters that they cannot tamper with the alarms and, that they must notify their property manager of any faults.
Gas Safety Measures:
· A mandatory requirement will necessitate landlords to complete gas safety audits and services at least every two years.
· The safety service and audits must be conducted by a licensed or registered gas fitter.

Electrical Safety Measures:
· The changes to the RTA will also impose mandatory requirements on landlords to get electrical safety audits at least every two years.
· The electrical safety audits should be completed by a registered or licensed electrician for all electrical appliances, fittings and installations.

Act Early to Avoid Administrative and Financial Burden
Ø As a landlord, you not only need to be aware of the upcoming changes. Compliance with these changes will avoid any legal repercussions. Detector Inspector, one of our business partners have devised solutions and remedies for landlords and their property managers in anticipation.
Ø The new obligations and mandatory requirements for landlords come with additional costs and administrative duties. The changes will come into effect on 1 July 2020 along with the deadline for compliance. The demand for registered technicians, electricians, and gas fitters will increase significantly as the deadline approaches and, this will likely result in price hikes.
Ø Act now and meet the mandatory requirements while avoiding the pressures of a looming deadline and possible increase in prices for the required services for smoke alarms, gas safety, and electrical safety measures.
Speak to one of our agents to learn how this will affect your property and what action you can take beforehand.
Silver Service already has an established partnership with Detector Inspector and trusts them to be a reliable source.
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